Department of

Biomedical Engineering

The college was started in the year 2009. An exclusive Biomedical Engineering Department was formed in 2011 with an intake of 29 students of which three batches have completed the course within this period and are well placed. We are very pleased to be in the first position in North Kerala to start Biomedical Engineering at the undergraduate level The department strives to provide a conducive environment for the students to develop analytical and practical skills and apply them to the real health world.


  • To be nationally recognized as a high-quality biomedical engineering department.


  • To advance and spread knowledge in biomedical engineering by educating the students about the human body as an integrated system through qualitative engineering analysis
  •  Practice and advocate high levels of professional ethics and transparency
  • To empower female students in interdisciplinary projects and training by collaborating with industries.



Graduates will be able to

  • Provide a solid foundation in mathematical and engineering fundamentals so that they will be able to apply these principles to solve problems arising in medicine and healthcare
  • Impart necessary skills for effective leadership, teaching, development, and entrepreneurship in the biomedical field.
  • Make graduates conversant in written and oral communications in their professions and hence enable them to express their ideas clearly and accurately.
  • Inculcate a sense of ethics, professionalism, and an awareness of current social, economic, and environmental context and therefore realize the entailment of their work on safety, health, and environment.


  • Apply the concepts of electronics, signal processing, soft computing, biomaterials, biomechanics, rehabilitation engineering, and instrumentation to solve real-life problems in the healthcare sector.
  • Combine technology advancement to analyze and design systems using modern design tools for the welfare of society.



Non Teaching Staff
Labs & Facilities


Over 14 years of experience in academics.

Area of Specialisation - Medical Image Processing.


Over 19 years of experience in academics.

Area of Specialisation - Electronics Design and Technology.


Over 13 years of experience in academics.

Area of Specialisation - Applied Electronics.


Over 3 year of experience in academics.

Area of Specialisation - Medical Electronics.


Over 4 year of experience in academics..

Area of Specialisation - VLSI.

M.E .

Close to 3 year experience in Teaching and 6 months in industry.

Area of Specialisation - Medical Electronics Engineering .

M.Tech. .

Close to 1 Year of Experience.

Area of Specialisation - Power Systems.

M.Tech .

Close to 6 Months of Experience in academics.

Area of Specialisation - ECE (Signal Processing).


Over 15 years of experience in academics.


Over 6 years of experience in academics.

Diploma in Electronics Engineering.

Over 6 years of academic experience.


Close to 1 year of Experience .

Digital Electronics Lab

Analog Electronics Lab

Biomedical Electronics Lab

Medical Computing & VI Lab

Clinical Instrumentation Lab

Electrical and Electronics Workshop

Signal & Image Processing Lab

Digital and microcontrollers lab

Sl.No Research Researcher Download
1 “An Approach for Despecklinga Se-quence of Ultrasound Images Based on Statistical Analysis” Sameera V Mohd Sagheer, Sudhish N George View
2 Ultra-sound image despeckling using low rank matrix approximation approach” Sameera V Mohd Sagheer, Sudhish N. George and Sudeep Koshy Kurien View
3 “Denoising of Rician corrupted 3D Magnetic Resonance Images using Ten-sor-SVD” Hawazin P. Khaleel, Sameera V Mohd Sagheer, Baburaj Madathil and Sudhish NGeorge View
4 ”Denoising of Low-dose CTIm-ages via Low-Rank Tensor Modeling and Total Variation Regularization” Sameera V Mohd Sagheer and Sudhish N George View


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