Department of

Computer Science & Engineering

The Computer Science and Engineering Department was established in science engineering department deals with design implementation and management of information systems including both hardware and software processes. The department currently offers an undergraduate course in computer science engineering with a yearly intake of 60 students.


To be in the frontier of Computer Science & Engineering and empower female students to progress through quality education by keeping pace with the new challenges in this field.


  • To impart both theoretical and practical knowledge through state-of-the-art concepts and technologies in the Computer Science & Engineering field.

  • To attract and develop talented and committed human resources, and provide an environment conducive to innovation, creativity, team- spirit, and entrepreneurial leadership in the Computer Science & Engineering field.

  • To inculcate values of professional ethics, leadership qualities and lifelong learning.

  • To create professionals for employment in the industry, higher education, community and entrepreneurship to benefit the society


Graduates will be able to:

    • High-level attainment of key principles and practices of Computer Science & Engineering along with theoretical foundations in Mathematics and scientific investigation to solve the problems that are appropriate to the discipline.
    • Acquire the skill to apply their knowledge in computer science and engineering and solve real-world problems using the latest technologies.
    • Impart exhaustive knowledge of Computer Science & Engineering so that students can collaborate as team members and team leaders to facilitate technical solutions for computing systems and thereby provide improved functionality.


    • Design and develop computer programs/computer-based systems in the areas related to algorithms, networking, system software, architecture, security, and data mining of varying complexity.
    • Apply the knowledge of computing both hardware and software aspects to the solution of real-world engineering problems.


Non Teaching Staff
Labs & Facilities

M.E, Ph.D.

Over 15 years of experience in Academics and 1 year in Industry.

Area of Specialisation - Wireless Sensor Networks,Network Security and Soft computing.

Phd(Pursuing), M.E.

Over 15 years of experience in Academics .

Area of Specialisation - Communication Systems.


Over 8 years of experience in academics..

Area of Specialisation - Data Structures and Algorithms .

M.Tech .

Over 5 years of experience in academics..

Area of Specialisation - Computer Networks.


Close to 1 year of experience in academics.

Area of Specialisation - CSE.


Close to 1 year of experience in academics.

Area of Specialisation - Information security.

M.Tech .

Close to 1 of year experience in academics..

Area of Specialisation - Computer Science and Engineering .

M.Tech .

Close to 4 years of experience in academics..

Area of Specialisation - Computer Science & Engineering.

M.Tech ,Over 1 year of experience.

Area of Specialisation - Computer Science & Engineering.


Over 6 years of experience in academics.


Close to 2 years of experience in academics..

B.Tech CSE.

Close to 1 year of Experience .

Area of Specialisation - Computer Science & Engineering.

Computer Lab

Internet Lab

Sl.No Research Researcher Download
1 "Elephant Tracking with Seismic Sensors: A Technical Perceptive Review" Jerline Sheebha Anni & Arun Kumar Sangaiah (2016) View
2 Dr. D. Jerline Sheebha Anni View
3 "A Wireless Sensor Network based on Unmanned Boundary Sensing Technique for Minimizing Human Elephant Conflicts" Jerline Sheebha Anni DHANARAJ & Arun Kumar SANGAIAH (2017) View
4 “Elephant Detection using Boundary Sense Deep Learning (BSDL) Architecture” Jerline Sheebha Anni Dhanaraj &Arun Kumar Sangaiah (2018) View
5 “Artificial Neural Network based Smart and Energy Efficient Street Lighting System: A Case Study for Residential area in Hosur” Jerline Sheebha Anni,Prabu Mohandas & Xiao-Zhi Gao (2019) View
6 “Cognitive IoT System with Intelligence Techniques in Sustainable Computing Environment” Jerline Sheebha Anni, Arun Kumar Sangaiah, Prabu Mohandas &Aniello Castiglione (2020) View
7 “Object Detection and Movement Tracking using Tubelets and Faster RCNN Algorithm with Anchor Generation” Prabu Mohandas &Jerline Sheebha Anni D, Raj Kumar Thanasekaran, Khairunnisa Hasikin, Muhammad Mokhzaini Azizan(2021) View
8 “ Elephant movement mapping in Hosur forest border areas to detect the elephant intrusion pattern and mitigation measures to resolve human–elephant conflict” Prabu Mohandas & Jerline Sheebha Anni D, Choudhury, T., & Raj kumar,T.(2021) View


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